Welcome To Highland Drug

Serving Alpine, Texas for over 50 years. Through technology, hard work, and a family atmosphere, we are redefining the expectations of community pharmacy by providing our customers with the most comprehensive and innovative prescription and wellness programs available.

Pharmacy Services


  • We offer the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccines and boosters. We can also administer the regular flu vaccine and the high dose flu vaccine for ages 65 and over. Please call ahead to ensure availability or check our Facebook page for updates.

50 Years Of Service

Founded in 1965, our pharmacy has proudly served Alpine and the surrounding areas by providing fantastic services, personalized medications and a friendly smile. Our 2 pharmacists have over 65 years of experience and have made it a point to hire and keep the best staff around. We are committed to taking advantage of technological advancements as well as proven pharmaceutical methods to deliver the absolute best experience you can ask for. Don't hesitate to stop in today for more information on your prescriptions, a quick overview of our wellness programs, or just to chat.


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